Friday, July 07, 2006

Out of Control

The land loses its level of tolerance and trembles with the sudden eruption of a volcano. The rays of the blazing sun adding to the fury of the reddish orange molten lava flowing out diffusing through the pathless roads leaving a trail behind and hardening the relationships as nature desires.
The blop….blop…..of the boiling lava takes the winding road with a mystique odour leaving us with a question to think, ‘What will happen next?’
It reaches a point where it loses its temperament sublimated by the power of Love- its partner. The outcome of the combination would be of Sin, Guilt and Repentance. It could be explained better with an example of a gorilla when irritated or the Great King Ashoka at the battlefield.
If this is what a state of extreme displeasure is,…..…yes it is…………..nothing but ANGER!

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