Friday, July 07, 2006

RED - More than just a Colour
The very sight of the new born as she makes her entry into this world gets the blood running through the blood vessels – the very proof of liveliness.
It was a time of joy and through the draped window saw the roses blooming afresh.

The colour of the roses adorned everyone’s heart . . . . not just because she was born, but because it was St. Valentine’s birthday. It was this colour in the atmosphere that people suddenly seemed to start liking when they fell in love.

It is this colour that brings out both the unnatural combination of bashfulness and inner courage seen in the Indian bride’s costume. The very same is then in the form of holy crimson depicting the matrimonial sanctity.

This colour also represents the feeling of anger, rage and danger. . .

but . . . and most important and unforgettable is the lady in red that sends many hearts fluttering away.
Out of Control

The land loses its level of tolerance and trembles with the sudden eruption of a volcano. The rays of the blazing sun adding to the fury of the reddish orange molten lava flowing out diffusing through the pathless roads leaving a trail behind and hardening the relationships as nature desires.
The blop….blop…..of the boiling lava takes the winding road with a mystique odour leaving us with a question to think, ‘What will happen next?’
It reaches a point where it loses its temperament sublimated by the power of Love- its partner. The outcome of the combination would be of Sin, Guilt and Repentance. It could be explained better with an example of a gorilla when irritated or the Great King Ashoka at the battlefield.
If this is what a state of extreme displeasure is,…..…yes it is…………..nothing but ANGER!